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Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in #Bitcoin, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status.
The bottom is in lads, it's official. Sell your 'crypto' and buy #Bitcoin
JUST IN: Jim Cramer urges investors to sell their #crypto.
We will not be held down. We will embrace the power of #Bitcoin, and we will use it to take control of our own financial destiny. We will not be held hostage by the whims of governments and banks. We will not be held back by the constraints of traditional currency.
We have the most powerful, unstoppable force in the financial world backing us. We have to stop thinking of ourselves as underdogs and start thinking of ourselves as the ultimate winners, because with #Bitcoin we can't lose.
This is not hyperbole. If you vote for a politician, you're being distracted by democracy and you're voting for continued tyranny. If you vote with your money by upgrading it into #bitcoin, you're voting for freedom.

This is not hyperbole. If you vote Republican, you’re voting to uphold Democracy. If you vote Democratic, you’re voting for Fascism.…
#Bitcoin leads you to learn things the governments and central bankers won't teach.
There is only one type of money that is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object, it's called #Bitcoin
There is only one type of money that lives on a fully decentralised peer-to-peer network, it's called #Bitcoin
Great tip! I've found this also works for every one of the thousands of "crypto" tokens. If you upgrade them to #Bitcoin you can avoid getting hacked, rugpulled, debased, forked, etc.
I’m a #Bitcoin Maximalist

I'm a #bitcoin Maximalist…