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Have you become "Binnce Magazine" now? Their $BTB is NOT real #bitcoin
#BItcoin technology is definitely not for them ... If you want to stack sats for your granpas-granmas then do it
With #bitcoin we make the blocks count

Don’t count the days, make the days count
2009, running #bitcoin with #SatoshiNakamoto and @halfin
#Bitcoin maximalists were right again and again
Crypto. Com do not allowed me to withdraw my eth from the exchange. Does not look good. Is this the next FTX. It seems to be.
That's why paying in #Bitcoin sats via CoinJoin is the best way to go
Stop spreading Craptoscamrencies ... Only #Bitcoin matters
Ok, now please elaborate how the gov could control the #Bitcoin Network?
How you know you will never beat the hashpowers protecting the #Bitcoin Network
I'm about to do a naughty and try invalidateblock. We me luck.
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That won't work. #ElSalvador #Bitcoin adoption has been a nightmare coming true for the financial elites and they will do everything they can do to make the successor to cancel #Bitcoin
adoption. Bukele is the "necessary evil" for the good cause. @gladstein won't agree though.
We #Bitcoin -ers should do our best to still be nice to him after the #Ethereum merge ... Things aren't going better for #ETH after the merge
You can't be pro #Bitcoin and anti-freedom (at the same time)
I think most people are basically greedy and that's the only thing that will encourage them to get into #Bitcoin
See? #Bitcoin -ers actually love you Schiffy @PeterSchiff
And #Bitcoin -ers stay toxic
Hope #Bitcoin would be a good reset for the SriLankan people
Shorting fiat and longing #Bitcoin is the only way bruh
I bet he likes everything that can be rigged for him. #Bitcoin is not one of them.
Miners are the ones providing the hashpowers to secure the entire #Bitcoin Network. It's always important and crucial to not losing the incentives to mine.
I have a degree in economics majoring in accounting. How #Bitcoin has changed me? I now think that Keynes and Modern Monetary Theory are a bunch of stupid bullshit
What? Nodes are the ones running the #Bitcoin Network not miners! That's why the "blocksize war" happened and those miners with #BCH hard forked ... into irrelevance right now.
And then the mining difficulty will be lowered and attract new miners into play. #Bitcoin makes it easy like Satoshi.
If btc keeps going lower and energy rises miners will have to quit operations.
Great to hear that news. We are entering the end of the petrofuckingdollar system. Enjoy the ride with #Bitcoin ...
What he heck? @saylor didn't "Praise ETH" ... he stated clearly that PoW-powered #Bitcoin is property/commodity while in contrast explained why #Ethereum is definetely not
Proving that you really need strong hands and strong mind to stay in the game of HODLing #Bitcoin
GM to all #Bitcoin -ers. Especially to those who still have to do fiat-paid jobs relentlessly to stack sats.
Yeah, that's why you're the only one who could see a global world scale jihad/crusade activities for #Bitcoin all over the world
Hello, not a spam bot here, sir. Wen #Bitcoin #LightningNetwork in #Binance
He knows #Bitcoin is in direct competition with his beloved #Gold
Therefore, unlike #Bitcoin , #Ethereum is not an ethical money from the very beginning
I think #Ethereum doesn't need to migrate to PoS, it's already a PoS (Piece of Shit)
Yes, but never forget that every country with a money-printing central bank is automatically a centralized socialist economy. We've all been tricked from the very beginning into thinking it's still a market economy while in practice it is definitely not. #Bitcoin fixes this.
The left has this moronic believe that we need to compromise more individual freedom to the institutional controls in order to make a harmonious plural society. Their divisive indentity politics equation is always = individuals < groups. #Bitcoin fixes this.
SHORT fiat (take loans in fiat) to LONG (buy and hodl) #Bitcoin
I think at a certain desperate moment, they'd even still offer us a CBDC with #Bitcoin reserves
Those who attack #Bitcoin Network are definitely NGMI ...